
from Vancouver BC
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Vancouver is home to many fine improvisers from both Eastern and Western cultures. Guitarist/composer Ron Samworth, a cornerstone of Canada’s creative music community, has a keen ear for unusual textures and approaches, improvising with a unique structural conception. He leads the acclaimed quartet Talking Pictures and composes for theatre, film, and dance projects. Samworth has performed with Barry Guy, Wayne Horvitz, Han Bennink, and others. Lan Tung, leader of the acclaimed Orchid Ensemble, is a virtuoso and a skilled improviser on the erhu (a two-stringed Chinese fiddle). Tabla player Neelamjit Dhillon is equally versed in Eastern and Western music, giving him a unique insight into the universality of music.

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Ron Samworth
Lan Tung
Erhu (Chinese fiddle) & vocal

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