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Giorgio Magnanensi +12 musicians perform in 4-storey atrium: Adam Basanta/Elise ...

Sat. March 20th 2010 VCC, Broadway Campus Vancouver BC Free

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Giorgio Magnanensi +12 musicians perform in 4-storey atrium: Adam Basanta/Elise Boeur, Daryn Cassie/ Alice Hamilton, Lee Hutzulak, John Kastelic, Giorgio Magnanensi/ John Mutter, Kevi Romain/ Jon Siddall, Mark Whitmore/ Jonathon Wilcke

onetwothreefourfivesixseven presents: Thirteen Vancouver musicians performing c...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Sat. March 20th 2010 + Add to Calendar VCC, Broadway Campus (All Ages)
9:00pm - 11:00am  Doors at: 8:30pm Free


Adam Basanta/Elise Boeur
Daryn Cassie/ Alice Hamilton
Lee Hutzulak
experimental noise / acoustic song from Vancouver BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
John Kastelic
Giorgio Magnanensi/ John Mutter
Kevi Romain/ Jon Siddall
Mark Whitmore/ Jonathon Wilcke

Event Description

onetwothreefourfivesixseven presents:
Thirteen Vancouver musicians performing contemporary compositions written for large spaces. Musicians will be stationed on multiple floors inside a four-storey atrium at the Vancouver Community College Broadway Campus (new building) at 1155 E Broadway (next to vcc-clark skytrain station.) This is a FREE EVENT. The show will begin at 9pm. Please pass this event invitation on to anyone who may be interested.

Adam Basanta: guitar.
Elise Boeur: violin.
Daryn Cassie: synthesizer.
Alice Hamilton: saxophone.
Lee Hutzulak: electronics.
Kels Joudrey: clarinet.
John Kastelic: viola.
Giorgio Magnanensi: electronics.
John Mutter: guitar.
Kevin Romain: percussion.
Jon Siddall: guitar.
Mark Whitmore: trombone.
Jonathon Wilcke: saxophone

onetwothreefourfivesixseven is a series for improvised and experimental music presented by The Blanket Orchestra (myspace.com/blanketorchestra). Visit http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=192742571811&ref=ts
for info on upcoming events.


VCC, Broadway Campus
1155 East Broadway
Open / Operational

Event Poster

Giorgio Magnanensi +12 musicians perform in 4-storey atrium: Adam Basanta/Elise Boeur, Daryn Cassie/ Alice Hamilton, Lee Hutzulak, John Kastelic, Giorgio Magnanensi/ John Mutter, Kevi Romain/ Jon Siddall, Mark Whitmore/ Jonathon Wilcke @ VCC, Broadway Campus Mar 20 2010 - Mar 3rd @ VCC, Broadway Campus

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