Event Info
Time Waits for No One: A Prison Play: the inmates of William Head Prison, Kate Rubin & the Prison Arts Collective
William Head on Stage Prison Theatre Compa...
Sat. November 1st 2014 + Add to Calendar
William Head Institution, 6000 William Head Road (No Minors)
7:30pm - 9:00pm
the inmates of William Head Prison
Kate Rubin & the Prison Arts Collective
Hard-copy tickets
Physical tickets at: Ticket Rocket (online, in person, or by phone) 250-590-6291 www.ticketrocket.org, Mychosen Cafe - in person sales only, NO TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR
Event Description
William Head on Stage Prison Theatre Company
A heartfelt contemporary fable created and performed by the men of William Head Prison, including true stories from their own lives. Inspired by reading the novel The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. Featuring music written and performed by Katrina Kadoski and the inmate band.
Free Popcorn.
THE COMPANY - William Head on Stage (W.H.o.S.)
William Head on Stage (or WHoS) is the only inmate-run prison theatre company in all of Canada that invites the public into the prison to experience their shows. WHoS has been creating shows for the public for the last 33 years at William Head Prison, tucked away on the windy coast in the forests of Metchosin, a 35-minute drive from Victoria, BC.
“It’s a testament to the power of theatre to change lives.” - Globe and Mail review of The WHoS 2011 production of Gormenghast
“Clever, sweet, adorable, sad, and unexpected all at once. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. For me, music is a big part of a performance, and Katrina Kadoski’s compositions for this show complemented everything that was happening onstage perfectly. It took terrific heart and courage for these men to get up onstage, do something new, and share a piece of themselves with the audience…I daresay that this production best embodies everything I feel that theatre can do for people: give them courage, let them reveal a bit about themselves, and help them discover new talents and abilities. I would go again in a heartbeat.” - by Morgan McPherson, from The Charlebois Post Review of the WHoS 2013 Prison Puppet Project
“Performed with gusto and with visually impressive stage direction, the inmates of William Head made me a believer. Go for the adventure; stay for the show.” – Grant Mackenzie, 2011 Monday Magazine Review of the WHoS play Gormenghast
William Head Institution, 6000 William Head Road