A native of Vancouver B.C. started singing gospel music at the age of 10 and hasn't stopped amazing audiences since then. He has been the frontman for many groups such as the Vancouver Shades, the Chimes, the Upbeats and the Billy Dixon gang.
The 60s Billy electrified the stage with the unforgettable Night Train Revue...
Vancouver's #1 R&B band . In the 70s heformed the great Big Horn band called New Breed another very popular show band.
During the Disco invasion Billy took some time off to work on some projects but still made time for the occasional gig at the Arts Club, Commodore, Richards On Richards,
Fairview Pub and Yale.
1986 Billy returned to his place in the Vancouver Music Scene as one of the most gifted and charismatic entertainers. He reunited with the Night Train Revue at Club Soda for an Expo tribute to Vancouver's rock classics and again at the celebration of the Dance Party 20th Anniversary.
Billy Dixon is a legend in his own time, a phenomanal singer , and a riveting performer. He hand picked the cream of the crop for his line up of talented musicians to form his "Soul Train Express".
For physical events that happen at a specific time. For example a concert, or dance performance. If there are multiple shows, you can still duplicate your event to cover them all.