737 Productions presents the return of everyone's favourite Canadian Ramones tribute band. If you have seen The Ramores, then you know how well they do this, if you haven't, then ask anyone who has, and they will tell you that this is a definite MUST see. Originally formed as an offshoot/side project by the guys in the Jolts, this band has been paying tribute to the legendary Ramones for years now. Featuring members from bands such as Nervous Talk, The Jolts,The Isotopes, The Spinoffs, Sore Points and more.
The Mandlebaums, a first class Seinfeld themed band, will be playing middle slot. Rumour has it that they might be doing a special Festivus related set as this show is so close to Festivus, and you don't want to miss that.
Coming over from Vancouver will be The Remedials to open up the show. Playing their own Ramones tinged take on pop punk, these guys will probably pull a one off special tribute of some kind during their set, or maybe they will just play as great as they usually do and everyone will be happy.
Tickets will be 14 dollars advance at universe.com. Buy one, this sells out every single time these guys come here, period.
For physical events that happen at a specific time. For example a concert, or dance performance. If there are multiple shows, you can still duplicate your event to cover them all.