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Victoria BC
Open / Operational
Event Description
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The Ultimate Tribute to The Doors
The Unknown Soldiers
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Performing 2 - 1 hour sets!!
Central Bar and Grill, 708 View St. 250-361-1700
Doors 7pm, Showtime 9:30pm
Tickets: $13 Advance / $15 Door
Available at: Lyle's Place (cash only) 382-8422, Central Bar and Grill 361-1700 & the
High Tide Box Office @ www.hightideconcerts.net or charge by phone 250-478-1888
For more info: hightideconcerts@shaw.ca
The Unknown Soldiers Website: www.theunknownsoldiers.net
Shawn: Shawn's fingers are said to be possessed by Bach himself! Akin to Ray
Manzarek, Shawn is a classically trained pianist - having studied piano from an early
age. When this writer/composer is not playing piano and keyboards for The Unknown
Soldiers, he can be found collaborating on original music projects and movie
Mark: Mark is the newest member of The Unknown Soldiers. His Jazz background
allows him to recreate Robbie's psychedelic phrasing, whether it is his smooth and
melodic jazz improvisation, or down right sloppy blues grit.
: Information to follow...
Regan: "The Invisible Bass Player". If every Doors' session bass player could be rolled
into one and repackaged as a new member of The Doors, that man would certainly be
Regan. Regan's smooth bottom-end basslines allow The Unknown Soldiers to perform
certain Doors' songs live that would prove most difficult with only a Fender piano bass.
Pete Bowman: Pete Bowman's love of philosophy and literature has provided him with
the ammunition to take on the challenging role of Jim. Many years experience singing
has provided this baritone with the tools to emulate the man who some thought was a
poet, a shaman, or an all-out wild child!
For physical events that happen at a specific time. For example a concert, or dance performance. If there are multiple shows, you can still duplicate your event to cover them all.