The Arts On View Society continues to operate Hermann's Jazz...
753 View Street Victoria BC
Open / Operational
Event Description
Twenty-five years! Our next CanUS Jazz show Feb. 2, 2025 1-3 pm and we will still be celebrating the beginning of our 25th year performing for folks like you at the best jazz club in Canada - and points beyond, travelling musicians tell us.
Simon, trumpet our Australian member and past leader of the Fireworks Jazz Band returns from Mexico with Lauri on drums. There are 6 other local heroes like Joey Smith, past bassist for Glenn Miller Orch., Avram McCagherty, banjo leader of his own popular band, Al Pease , Canada’s reed rep. in the NORAD Band, Doug Rhodes from L.A., alto sax where he was a studio musician, and with stride/ragtime Toni at the piano. Go to and get even more “happy” in this coming new year! For you ‘livestreamers’ also.
“Arts On View Society”, the non-profit Society that gives us Hermann’s Jazz Club makes possible this treasure for live music.
For physical events that happen at a specific time. For example a concert, or dance performance. If there are multiple shows, you can still duplicate your event to cover them all.