
downtempo / shoegaze from Vancouver BC
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since circa 2001
Vancouver's Mark Wiebe is the mastermind behind the weird space lounge introduced on Sinewave's 2001's Interplanetary Ridicule. The Montreal Mirror described Wiebe's previous work on the Sinewave/db split CD as possessing an eeriness marked by a gradual, expansive kind of creep-out. Add in some melodic songwriting and that description holds true for his first release on Winnipeg label Vinyl Republik, Unity Gain. Unity Gain, offers up a chilled out cinematic disc with progressive psychedelia over tones that are sophisticated without pretense.
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

Mark Wiebe
guitar, vocals, keys, seq
2001 - The End
Jer Unrau
bass, keys
2005 - The End

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