String Stories

open improvised music from Vancouver BC
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String Stories

since circa 2010
String Stories is a unique trio that covers a wide scope of musical traditions. Each player in his own way seeks to expand in their playing the great legacies of past generation improvisers. The band made its debut at the 2010 Vancouver Cultural Olympiad and continue to present music that is as fresh as it is intensely lyrical.

Pianist/guitarist Paul Plimley has continually reasserted his role as one of the foremost improvising musicians, as a soloist in his longtime partnership with bassist Lisle Ellis, Nicole Mitchell, Andrew Cyrille to name a few. Plimley achieves his own voice through the blending of a passionate connection to the American improvised music tradition and European classical/20th century heritage.

Phil Emerson is one of America's best kept musical secrets..... but not for long. Soon everyone will gain exposure to his mastery of the guitar. Many people play the guitar, but few are as authoritative as Mr Emerson. His vocabulary continues to grow in leaps and bounds.

String bassist Tommy Babin’s energetic, adventurous spirit and soulful playing is an essential component of our music. He's a foundation for all to be inspired by. Tommy plays is a variety of different ensembles - lucky for these bands to have him.

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Current Lineup

Paul Plimley
piano, guitar, percussion
2010 - present
Phil Emerson
2010 - present
Tommy Babin
string bass
2010 - present

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