Subtle Like a T-Rex

Progressive / Experimental from Vancouver BC
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Subtle Like a T-Rex

since circa 2008
What is Subtle Like a T-rex? It is a Machine. Forged deep within the abyss that is Kevan's basement it knows no fear, feels no pain and craves only the finest silk. Its design and construction are flawless. Two legs (Kevan/Jose), two arms (Tim/Mike) and a body crafted from an unbreakable plasma/funk alloy(Jesse). More absorbent than Shamwow and stronger than Mighty Putty it remains unphased by even the greenest Death Star laser beams. What is its Mission? To unleash its ferocity upon all who stand before it and trap them in a typhoon of sound so awesome, so dynamic and so eclectic that Nostradomus himself would be like “Damn! I didn’t see that coming.”.

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Drums, Vocals
2008 - present
Unlinked Musician
Bass, Keyboards, Vocals
2008 - present
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Guitar, Vocals
2008 - present
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Percussion, Melodica, Vocals
2008 - present

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