
from Vancouver BC
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Label: indie
since circa 2004
you need to listen to sweetheart. we are your new favorite band.

Combining modern post punk/pop rock and indie, Sweetheart's music comes straight from a time when "Elvis Lives!" did not refer to the King himself, but to the new prince of new wave: Elvis Costello.

The boys in Sweetheart are set to release their first full length, "Map of the Human Heart" which is the follow-up to their first release aptly titled "Username", all based on a band inside joke that they invented the internet. This EP solidified their future as an established rock act on the west coast of British Columbia in a city (Vancouver) where the radio is dominated more by music that sound more like an early 90's Seattle then a late 70's New York.

This album has been a long time coming for Sweetheart. These 4 friends have struggled through a year of life's adversity, calmly, and taken all that pain and triumph into the studio. The music that is being made on this album is much more of a testament to the strength you need to cope with the everyday and still be able to look yourself in the mirror and laugh.
...And maybe to realize your dreams...

The buzz is beginning. The tours will be booked. The album will be in stores. You will be hooked.
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