Rock from Vancouver BC
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Label: U. of G. entertainment INC.
since circa 2008
-At age 10 tarl won $5.00 singing “Tomorrow” from “Annie”...dressed like Annie... (you can’t make this stuff up)

-Former singer/front man for the successful rock group “SAM”, tarl spearheaded the beginnings of a dream;
-two full length independent albums "Greatest Hits Vol. 1"(FACTOR AWARDED) and the self titled "SAM" that has sold over 4000 units...

**2009**Brand New Self titled album “tarl”, co-produced by Ryan McAllister (“Dakona”) and Daniel Mendez (Gwen Stephanie, Motley Crue, Dashboard Confessional,...)
-The New single "The Social" Nation Wide on CBC Radio 2&3, Gallaxie "Rock", Sirius' "Iceberg"....Victoria, Winnipeg, Waterloo...Fredericton...Boston, N.Y, Germany, Japan, Italy...
-”tarl” goes to Japan...chosen to be represented by Music BC at the “Music In Asia” trade show being held in Japan. 
-Spots in upcoming issues of; Canadian Musicians magazine, (the U.S based) Music Connection along with local publications; The “Cover” of Off-Center(Okanagan), BC Musician, Abbotsford Times, Mission Times, Chilliwack...
-Multiple Canadian tours, motion picture & video game soundtracks as well as multiple showcases at New Music West
-Has shared the stage with a myriad of great acts, such as; Nickelback, Finger Eleven, Default, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Bif Naked...
-Myspace - close 190,000 hits and over 5200 friends in 5 months
-Music available @ tarlsmusic.com, iTunes, emusic, Amazon, Rhapsody, CDBABY... myspace.com/tarlsmusic

-“tarl has limitless potential, not only as a performer, but as a great singer/songwriter...the whole package. It’s time to bring his music to the masses, where it belongs”
(Tommy Mac -“Hedley”)

-“we just fell in love with the song(The Social)…I wish more stations would roll the dice on it.  It sounds great on the air.  If this record had a “major” behind it, tarl would be top 10”  (Rob Pinnock - Music Director-105.3 The Fox, N.B)

"I'll be honest, I heard "The Social" and loved it.  I can't wait to hear what else tarl’s got!"(Corrie Eisenberg, Ass. Music Director-Iceberg 85, “Sirius Satellite Radio”)

tarl...”with a flare for entertaining and a voice that captures...the possibilities and opportunities are endless...”

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16:00 14:00
22:00 02:00

Current Lineup

Tarl Feser
2008 - present
Jeffrey Ellis
2008 - present
Spencer Turpin
2010 - present

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