Profile Image: Terrifier


Thrash Metal from Vancouver BC
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since circa 2012
TERRIFIER is a thrash metal onslaught hailing from Vancouver, BC, Canada by way of Kelowna BC. Formed by bassist/vocalist Chase Thibodeau and guitarist Ren Wilkinson, they formed a foundation after a few personnel changes with guitarist Brent Gallant (Alone Against Rome) and drummer Jerome Brewer. After first being known as Skull Hammer since the band's inception, they completed a self-released album,"Destroyers of the Faith" which was released in 2011. Incorporating blistering twin guitar assault, punishing bass lines, powerhouse-like drumming, face melting leads and hard-hitting vocals, TERRIFIER fuses brutality and classic thrash which creates their own unique style yet pay homage to all the greats. Fast forward to 2012 and the Vancouver-based thrashers recruited new drummer Kyle Sheppard, replacing original member Jerome Brewer who recorded "Destroyers of the Faith."

"Destroyers of the Faith" showcases the band’s highly skilled musicianship, with mind boggleing guitar work highlighting the album. Song standouts include the title track “Destroyers of the Faith,” “Scum Ridden Filth,” “The Valkyrie,” and “Welcome to Camp Blood.”

TERRIFIER have performed with Anvil, Into Eternity and Dismember to name a few and have released the EP Metal Or Death!

The first review of their new EP, "Metal Or Death", written by Matt Baggins for, pretty much sums it up:

"If you're looking for a stellar young thrash band whose chops will rip your face off then Terrifier is the band for you. Crazy solos and a beautiful dedication to the power of metal."

"These guys have very much developed since their last release "Destroyers of the Faith" since then they have become even more technical with even more fabulous solos. Their is also a new desperation here too which gives the music a much more aggressive, Slayer-like feel, this is obviously a good thing. I feel like the vocals have radically improved and help to add a lot of flavor to the band making them more than just 'that thrash band with insane guitar parts'. What I'm really trying to say is that with Metal or Death Terrifier have started to find themselves and really boil down the sound that should one day make them into icons of the neo-thrash movement."
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Current Lineup

Chase Thibodeau
2012 - present
Ren Wilkinson
2012 - present
Brent Gallant
2012 - present
Kyle Sheppard
2012 - present

Past Members

Jerome Brewer

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