The Derek Trucks Band

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The Derek Trucks Band

Derek Trucks, the youngest player to make Rolling Stone’s “100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time” list, has also been hailed as one of the greatest slide guitarists since Duane Allman. In 2007, Trucks was pictured on the cover of Rolling Stone and named as one of the “New Guitar Gods” and in March of 2009 Rolling Stone dedicated a five-page editorial to Trucks. The Derek Trucks Band, comprised of Todd Smallie bass, Yonrico Scott drums, Kofi Burbridge keyboards, Mike Mattison vocals and Count M’Butu percussion, has been a work in progress for over 10 years now playing an eclectic blend of blues, soul, jazz, rock, East Indian, Latin and other world music genres, which combines into the sound that now defines them. Their latest CD, Already Free, was released in January of this year and is at the top of the Billboard charts.

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