Profile Image: The Fabulous B-sides

The Fabulous B-sides

We reinterpret hits by new and "classic" artists. from Victoria BC
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The Fabulous B-sides

since 2021
The musicians in The Fabulous B-Sides can take any song and make it a hit on the dance floor! If you want a band that tears up the stage with klieg-light exuberance and some serious chops then you'll love the Fabulous B-Sides. We work hard to engage audiences of all ages with self-deprecating onstage banter, while exuding enough energy to power a small Saskatchewan town. Added bonus - most of the band dresses in leopard print!

The Fabulous B-Sides are a team of seasoned musicians who have collectively played every type of venue from private parties to corporate conventions and summer fairs. Members of the band have previously played in such top Victoria acts as Groove Kitchen, The Waybacks and the Soul Shakers. The B-Sides have performed at Hermann's and the Loft (where we're a regular featured act) as well as for the Swiftsure International Yacht Race, Ribfest and Langford's Starlight Stadium.
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Current Lineup

Carrie Young
Chuck Simms
Matt Vause
George Bielay
Adrian Chamberlain
2020 - present

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