The Front

from Vancouver BC
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The Front

Label: Independent
The band formed in 2002 when, after the completion of their debut EP ‘Grass Blades’, LTOS vocalists Ben Arce and Jarrett Martineau realized they needed a more dynamic sound to transcend the conventional "two turntables and a mic" hip-hop format. They invited longtime friend and bass player Chris von Szombathy (Jazz For Robots), DJ/drummer Jess Conn-Potegal (live, improvised house and D&B band Q), and virtuosic keyboard player Allan Ollivierre to a jam. In the first minutes of playing together they realized that an intense chemistry was present, and The Front was born.

The Front is:
Jess Conn-Potegal-Drums
Chris Von Szombathy-Bass
Allan Ollivierre-Keys
Jarrett Martineau-Vocals
Benjamin Arce-Vocals

For more info/booking:
Ph: Louvens Remy 604.682.1933
Voicemail: 604-632-6959
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22:00 23:00

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