The Green Room

from Vancouver BC
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The Green Room

Label: Independent
since circa 2012
The Green Room is a rock band from Maple Ridge, a suburb of Vancouver, Canada that plays original music. The Green Room has played at venues ranging from house parties to packed downtown clubs.
The Green Room blends the sound of their influences to form something of complete originality. Audiences become captivated by the power and raw emotion that radiates from The Green Room’s live performances. The inspiring rock vocals with sincere lyrics create songs that can grab the attention of anyone and take them for an unforgettable emotional journey. Consisting of Adam Janis (vocals), Davis Steele (lead guitar), and Spencer Dodd (bass), The Green Room delivers a musical experience that will not soon be forgotten.
Their EP is now for sale at shows, from any band member, or on iTunes via the Buy links on the left.
Continuing Under New Name

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Last Lineup

Adam Janis
2012 - Name Change
Davis Steele
lead guitar
2012 - Name Change
Spencer Dodd
2012 - Name Change

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