Profile Image: The Headpins

The Headpins

from Vancouver BC


The Headpins

since circa 1979
Turn It Loud

Turn It Loud ‎(LP, Album) Solid Gold Records (2) SGR-1010 Canada 1982
Turn It Loud ‎(Cass, Album) Solid Gold Records (2) SGC-1010 Canada 1982
Turn It Loud ‎(LP, Album) Atco Records SD 38-151 US 1982
Turn It Loud (LP, Album) ATCO Records, ATCO Records, Atlantic ATC K 50 897, ATC 50 897-1, (SD 38-151) Germany 1982
Turn It Loud ‎(LP, Album) Solid Gold Records (2) SGR-1010 Canada 1982
Turn It Loud ‎(LP, Album) Solid Gold Records (2) SGR-1010 Canada 1982
Turn It Loud ‎(CD, Album, RM) Solid Gold Records (2) 79786-2 Canada 2000
Turn It Loud ‎(CD, Album, RE) Wounded Bird Records WOU 151 US 2006

Line of Fire

Line Of Fire ‎(LP, Album) Victor VIL-6104 Japan 1984
Line Of Fire ‎(Cass, Album) Solid Gold Records (2) SGRC-9031 US 1983
Line Of Fire ‎(LP, Album) Polydor 821 150-1 Spain 1983
Line Of Fire ‎(LP, Album) Polydor, Polydor 821 150-1, 821 150-1Y Germany 1983
Line Of Fire ‎(CD, Album, RM) Solid Gold Records (2) 71011-2 Canada 2002

Head Over Heels

Head Over Heels ‎(LP, Album) MCA Records MCA-5630 Canada 1985
Head Over Heels ‎(LP, Album) Polydor, Polydor 827 499-1, 827 499-1 Y Germany 1985
Head Over Heels ‎(Cass) MCA Records MCA-5630 US 1985
Head Over Heels ‎(Cass, Album, Dol) MCA Records MCAC-5630 Canada 1985
Head Over Heels ‎(LP, Album) MCA Records MCF 3296 UK 1985
Head Over Heels ‎(LP, Album) Polydor Records 827499-1 Greece 1985
Head Over Heels ‎(LP, Album) Victor VIL-28002 Japan 1985
Head Over Heels ‎(LP, Album) MCA Records MCA-5630 US 1985
Head Over Heels ‎(LP, Album) MCA Records MCL-1853 UK 1985
Head Over Heels ‎(LP, Album, Club) MCA Records, MCA Records MCA 5630, MCA-5630 Canada 1985
Head Over Heels ‎(LP, Album, Pin) MCA Records MCA-5630 US 1985
Head Over Heels ‎(LP, Album, Promo) Victor VIL-28002 Japan 1985
Head Over Heels ‎(LP, Album, TP) Polydor 827 499-1 Greece 1985
Head Over Heels ‎(LP, TP) MCA Records, Inc. 5630 US 1985
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Current Lineup

Ab Bryant
1979 - present
Bernie Aubin
1981 - present
Tony Dellacroce
2001 - present
Alfie Galpin
2001 - present
Katrina Lawrence
Lead Vocals
2016 - present

Past Members

Brian MacLeod
1979 - 1992
Matt Frenette
1979 - 1981
Denise McCann
Lead Vocals
1979 - 1981
Darby Mills
Lead Vocals
1981 - 2016
Darcy MacDonald
1986 - 1990
Christina Southern "Chrissy Steele"
Lead Vocals
1990 - 1992
Scott Reid
Jim Buckshon

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