The Ingredients

Rock n' Roll Baby from Vancouver BC
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The Ingredients

Label: seeking
since circa 2003
We've been playing music together for most of our lives. It started long ago even before sliced bread or condensed milk while we were going to primary school. Due to family friendship and daily schooling, we spent great deal of time together. Fast forward to 2002, and we're having our first stab at bandship and we met Peter, he was from Calgary. We called it "New Age Rock" but our band needed a name, so we opened up the nearest dictionary (did the whole open-it-up-and-point thing) and there it was, the perfect name... we became "The Ingredients". . . We play rock music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Broken Up

Community Events

Last Lineup

Adrian Underhill
2003 - The End
Max Sample
2003 - The End
Peter Carruthers
2003 - The End
Miles Bruce
2003 - The End

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