The R.A.D.I.O.

Experimental Pop from Vancouver BC
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The R.A.D.I.O.

Label: Independent
since circa 1999
If music is the universal language, no translation is required for the futuristic sights and sounds of Vancouvers sonic pioneers, The R.a.d.i.o. With contagious pop hooks, dead-poets-society lyricism, and psychedelic textures driven by a throbbing backbeat, the band has made it its mission to write the songs of tomorrow today. Witnesses speak of the missing link between Beck and the Beatles, between Kraftwerk and Cibo Matto, between Leonard Cohen and Leonard Nimoy. In other words, this is band that resembles no other. The R.a.d.i.o. had its birth on the eve of the new millennium, 1999, when three songwriters, Ray Down (vocals, guitar), David Milke (vocals, guitar), and Kayoko Takahashi (vocals, keyboards), met at the crossroads and set out to define a new musical manifesto. Within months the band had won the Shindig battle of the bands put on by CITR radio, and released their debut album Numbers, Birds, and The Mysteries of The Human Mind, which was awarded Local Album of the Year by the Georgia Straight. The following year saw the band come out with their second record, the double album Music To Hop Trains To, along with an array of shows with such international acts as Cibo Matto, Stereo Total, and Solex. Keeping the presses rolling, the band produced a third album in the spring of 2002, the acclaimed Disclosure Project double Eps (In the Beginning and The Final Chapter?). The band promptly embarked on a kamikaze tour of Tokyo, Japan, resulting in packed shows to enthusiastically disoriented audiences. Upon their return the band once again hit the clubs here at home, sharing the stages with such local heroes as The High Dials, The Organ, and The New Pornographers. Now, in 2006, the band is set to release its long-awaited fourth album, Music To Burn, an epic song-cycle nearly two years in the making. With a new, righteously rocking rhythm-section courtesy of Marquo Escavedo (bass) and Tony (drums), the bands global take-over bid is proceeding apace, with a West Coast American tour set for summer and continental distribution for the fall. It is only a matter of time before The R.a.d.i.o. intercepts your town. Consider yourselves warned THE R.A.D.I.O. INTERESTING MUSIC FOR INTERESTING TIMES
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

Kayoko Takahashi
1999 - The End
Ray Down
1999 - The End
David Mielke
1999 - The End

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