The Strange Magic

Art-Rock from Vancouver BC
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The Strange Magic

since circa 2007

In 1913 Stravinsky premiered the Rites of Spring, setting off riots and changing the course of music. Fastforward to 2011, and Vancouver's psychedelic collective The Strange Magic stand ready to do the same.

The band is pleased to announce the release of its first full-length album, Spring Reverb, the sequel to its acclaimed debut Songs To Burn EP. Spring Reverb features the production and engineering wizardry of Daniel Byrne (of Vancouver electronic pop masters Panurge) and was recorded in marathon dusk to dawn sessions at FaderMaster studios in Vancouver. The seven songs on the record run the gamut from juggernaut rock-outs to sunkissed psychedelia to gossamer balladry and everything in between.

To celebrate the imminent release of the album, The Strange Magic made its first appearance across the pond, playing the International Pop Overthrow festival in Liverpool and the Union Chapel in London. The band backed up 1970's acid folk legends Spirogyra for the shows as well. .... The Strange Magic was formed in 2007 by Ray Down, Kayoko Takahashi and David Milky (former members of The R.A.D.I.O.) along Jon Schubert (Panurge), Tony Koelwyn (The Awkward Stage) and Steve Barmash (Blackout Lights).

The band made its debut with a Japanese tour , and upon returning to Canada released its debut release Song To Burn EP on Northern Electric records. The EP was produced by Todd Simko (Pure) and Kurt Dahle (of New Pornorgraphers fame) and quickly garnered widespread acclaim. Since then The Strange Magic has shared the stage with such stellar acts as Os Mutantes, Pointed Sticks, Shonen Knife and even Susan Jacks of The Poppy Family!

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Current Lineup

Ray Down
Vocals, Guitar, Synth, Electronic Noises
2007 - present
Kayoko Takahashi
Vocals, Piano, Synths, Percusion
2007 - present
David Milke
Vocals, Guitar
2007 - present
Jon Schubert
Vocals, Bass Guitar
2007 - present
Tony Koelwyn
Drums, Percussion
2007 - present
Steve Barmash
Guitar, Vocals
2007 - present

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