This Thing

Psychedelic Pop from Vancouver BC
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This Thing

Label: none
since circa 1991
"jazz/ blues meets a somber new-age Andy Warhol."
This Thing started in 1991 in Nelson BC. it lasted until 1996. Their biggest claim to fame was placing in the top 20 for CFOX Radio's Demo - Listen Derby 1993. In 1995 they appeared on Project Demovision produced by Shaw Cable.

In 1998, songwriter and founder Richard Fordham, moved down to Vancouver. This Thing has been corporately downsized from 9 members to one. An expansion to 3 members is in the works.

In the meantime, Richard has studied acting, voice, and written bunches of new songs. A video for one of them is in the intitial concept stage.

Looking for a keyboard Player,a drummer, woodwinds, and brass, and two vocalists, as of 2013. If interested, write to me here.

In the meantime, here's a clip from This Thing's earlier phase...don't worry, I won't make you dress like this. Enjoy.
Un-Available: Seeking Musicians

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Current Lineup

Richard Fordham
vox, guitar, and anything necessary
1991 - present

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