
Rock / metal / some screamo from Vancouver BC
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Label: n/a
since circa 2004
A band that formed from the in the summer of 2004 from the ashes of another. Tripsis has a unique sound that captivates its listeners, and a live show that explodes with energy and pressence. Come see this band if you get the chance, they will knock you flat.

Anonymous Posting 1/22/05:
Their previous band was called Mitigate, and the band left the lead singer, to form a new band with lead singer Curtis, and eventually discovered they needed another Guitarist, so they found Axel!
Debut show was in Oct.29th at the CCC in Vancouver, and they got 1st place in the semi-final band wars put on by SuperNova

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Current Lineup

Curtis Steeksma
2004 - present
Brendan O'Mara
2004 - present
Mark Petrusic
2004 - present
Axel Verstraeten
2004 - present
Greg Nolan
2004 - present

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