Wesley David Scott

Indie Rock Pop from Vancouver BC


Wesley David Scott
"Zulu Panda"

Instruments: Guitar, Vocals, Composition/Songwriting details
Vancouver indie-rocker Wesley David Scott is the songwriting mastermind behind Zulu Panda. His brand of quirky folk-rock feels like home for any Canadian, coast to coast to coast. Flowing seamlessly from up-tempo rockers to acoustic campfire ballads, the music of Zulu Panda is equal parts raw passion and folksy charm. Melodies surging through his powerful baritone vocal cords create a sweet sense of nostalgia, as they are coupled with tongue-in-cheek lyrics and quality production.

His most recent record “Sad Bastard Music” (2019) takes listeners on a scenic multi-genre walk through heartache, internal-discovery and self-deprecating hilarity. His prior album “13 Canadian Love Letters” (2018) was made to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Canada, each song recorded in a different province and territory in Canada, drawing from the diverse talents of 19 producers and 14 session musicians. Each body of work Zulu Panda has released is enticing and explores a different audacious concept that he executes in a consistently vulnerable yet relatable manner.

His music is fuelled by a charmingly witty disposition; Zulu Panda is simultaneously hilarious yet heartbreaking. This translates well to his live performances which are mesmerizing. The man is constantly making music, normally performing incessantly and always working on new material. He is certainly here to stay and one to watch. [www.zulupanda.com]
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other sites: zulupanda

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Zulu Panda

Past Projects

Duke & The Robobabes
Vocals / Guitar
2011 - 2013
Guitar / Vocals
2007 - 2010
World's Last Telegram
2005 - 2007
Dead Fish Society
Guitar / Shovel
2003 - 2005

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