Profile Image: Steve Porco

Steve Porco

Country / Classic Rock / Blues from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
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Steve Porco

Instruments: Drums, Guitar, Bass details
Steve began playing drums at the age of fourteen when his dad surprised with a set of drums. His father showed him a simple beat and that was all he needed. Steve grew up around country music and shortly after beginning to drum, he was playing out with his father Nick Porco, a well-known and respected local country music artist in Sault Ste. Marie and around the Algoma area. Steve put together a band during high school and, soon after, started playing with many different bands around town. Moving away, he later played in bands while living in Thunder Bay and Ottawa before returning to his home town, Sault Ste Marie. Once he resettled in the Sault, he began playing with different acts around town such as Whiskey River, REDLINE and eventually joining OBSESSION in 2014.
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Current Projects

Silent 9
Drummer / Vocals
2023 - present

Past Projects

2014 - 2023
Perfect Blend
2007 - 2008
Double RR Country
1995 - The End
Texas Flood - Ontario
1993 - 1994
Whiskey River
1992 - 2005

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