Silent 9

from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
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Silent 9

since 2023
Silent 9 came together in the winter of 2023 when 4 people with the same desire to make great music and make people dance, got together. From the first note to the last, they knew they had something special and started getting to work right away creating the sound you hear today.
A short few months later, for their debut show, they had the chance to open up for Country / Rock recording artist Corey Marks and they did not disappoint. Silent 9 quickly became in demand as one the Sault's top bands. You won't want to miss their shows.
Silent 9 is looking forward to meeting all the new & old fans that have crossed their paths in their musical journeys.
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Current Lineup

Steve Porco
Drummer / Vocals
2023 - present
Jess Amadio
Lead Vocals
2023 - present
Ryan Robb
Guitar / Vocals
2023 - present
Paul Belair
Bass / Vocals
2023 - present

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